Begin to Heal Your Broken Heart
8 Survival Steps to Start Breaking Free
  You Can Eliminate the Ex-Wife Syndrome After You Marriage is Over

Are you an "Ex-Wife?"   Take Ex-Wife Syndrome Assessment to find out. 

If it turns out you are suffering from the Ex-Wife Syndrome, there is a way out, and you've got to start somewhere!  This 8-day course is starting point to help you break free! To cut the cord after your marrage is over and begin to breathe again, be yourself again.   In case you have any doubts or if you are just plain curious about the symptoms of this very painful, but cureable, syndrome go take the assessment before you go any further.

That said, if you are a woman who has simply ended your marriage, the divorce is over, and you are moving on with your life, fantastic!  This 8-day course is not for you. You are doing fine!  You are rare, and you are doing fine!

But if this is how you feel, if you do have these "symptoms," then day after day you know the horrible reality that this nightmare, this awful, abandoned feeling is not just going go away; it isn't that simple.  You have to do something about it or contiue to suffer. And this course will get you started doing something about it! 

I had Ex-Wife Syndrome and I know how it hurts. 

Facing Facts is Hard:  I was the "ex-wife" and the marriage was over and it hurt! Oh the sadness, the loneliness and hopelessness ... feeling like such a victim!  And the the bitterness and the anger that just would go away!  It was devastating! You know what it feels like if you are trapped in this vicious, painful place! 

Oh and to think how especially painful it is when you finally jerk into panicky conciousness in the morning after a long and sleepless night; you feel that awful despair and the loneliness and pray "God! I can't do this any more! Please let me just go to sleep and when the pain goes away, I promise I'll get up!"

Facing Facts and Taking Action is first part of the cure: The cure hurts too!  That is reality! But if you don't do something about it, you will continue to suffer for years! 

Every morning I would talk myself out of bed.  It isn't easy, but I learned from my own experience and from years of working with other Ex-Wive ... the sooner you face facts and take action, the shorter the time you'll have to continue suffering from Ex-wife Syndrome.

I guarantee that once you get up and get moving your broken heart will begin to heal.  That is what this course is all about.... to help you take those first painful steps toward survival.  In five days you will have a good start. 

But how! During the first weeks and months after divorce, life really gets down to the basics of survival.

You must survive physically, emotionally, and spirtually. 

The Eight Survival Steps to Start Breaking Free of the Ex-Wife Syndrome is all about the very basic problems.... and solutions.... of survival.

Just getting out of bed, taking a shower, moving, eating, drinking,

connecting, breathing full-out, resting,

maybe even having some fun!

You will push through the paralysis of the divorcing ordeal.

You will have help and guidance and support so you can face facts, and take action.... so you can make important basic choices for you own health and well being.

You will face the fact that while the marriage is lost,  "You" are not lost. You are still here and you can choose to take action.

You will face the fact that this is an ending, but it is not the end!

I'm telling you, this is very basic survival action steps! But in this short course ...

1) You'll take these simple (not easy... but "simple") suvival steps to help you experience your way out of the self-pity, lethargy and victimhood that paralyzes you and keeps you from living your life

2) You'll find your survival spirit and start punching your way through the bitterness and anger so that you can move through each day in gratitude and wellness, one step at a time.

3) And you will start to rid yourself of the overwhelming sadness, see glimmers of your own pride and hope hiding inside all that misery and pain; you'll start to see the real you again, the person you were created to be!

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