Things will never change if I keep doing my life the way I've always done it. So it was time to change something already!
Who "needs" a Positive Changes Leadership and Life Coach?
No one NEEDS a life coach! But smart, curious, successful leaders will certainly benefit.
I specialize in coaching highly
driven, achievement-oriented entrepreneurs and business owners who are committed to living
outstanding lives, to making a difference in the world. The people I love to work with are leaders who don't "need" a coach at all!
The foundational principle at Positive Changes Coaching is that a person’s
thinking and attitude have a greater impact on their outcomes and on their influence in the world than any other factor. And that little choices, consciously made, matter!
We help you focus a lens on your life ~ a lens on how your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes are leading you through life. I call it the LOLLA ~ the Lens on Life, Leadership, and Attitude.
With this coaching lens, clients consistently experience exceptional personal
transformation and professional growth, and a lot less stress and overwhelm!
People like this don't "need" a coach like they need sunshine or fresh air or maybe a physician or therapist. But it sure does make life better!
YES coaching works! Of course the only REAL proof that it works will be your experience working with a coach. That's why we offer a 30-day Happiness Guarantee!
That said, both quantitative and qualitative research shows that the ROI is powerful. Below is an info-graphic describing results of research on whether or not coaching really works. Of course the data is from 2009... I need to get this updated!
become a person of influence, a person who leads others and makes a difference in the world!
get out of your own way so you meet your own goals, even when you have LOTS of goals!
pinpoint your multiple life passions and purposes (yes, those are plurals if you happen to be a Multi-Passionista!)
improve your relationships at home, at work, and in your community.
spend more time doing the things you love.
harness change so you can ride it into a wonderful future.
Traditional coaching helps you meet your goals: It focuses you and helps you with organization. It helps people
achieve their immediate goals and that's a good thing! Coaching works to some
degree in any form. It helps people "just do it!"
However, traditional coaching may not be enough. Why not?
Because usually, people's lives are just not so simple that the advice to "just do it!" is all that valuable. While traditional coaching can work to help you "do" stuff differently, when a coach helps you change only your actions, sure! you get results .... but not sustainable results.
What you do is very important, but as Deepok Chopra says, "We are human beings, not human doings!"
Use a Positive Changes Life Coach and the LOLLA process for more sustainable results
Positive Changes Coaching goes way beyond helping you change your actions. We help you break through and make positive changes at the core of who you are. You dig deep into your thoughts and emotions. You watch them emerge as you reflect on them in your journal. You move forward as a result to take powerful and consistent action based on who you are. And because you've reflected through journal writing, you get to actually observe your progress!
This is Core Energy Leadership coaching, using proven coaching practices from Positive Psychology to reach and change the underlying thoughts and emotions that drive your habits, routines, and actions.
Learn to get out of your own way. Shift your energy levels from victim-hood, disillusionment, frustration, or anger to enthusiastic belief in your own power to create the joyful life you want. You will identify and use your own character strengths, your wisdom, courage, and knowledge to identify and change the things you can and re-frame what you can't. Oh yeah! and you'll learn learn to tell the difference!
Is this what you want? Are you even a little curious about what could happen if you tried Positive Changes Life Coaching?
How are things going to change ifyou keep doing you life the same way you've always done it? They Won't! Postive Changes Life will help you make concious choices, and thrive!
hese assessments can be like a mirror that leads to awareness. With Positive Changes Coaching you can harness that awareness and use carefully designed strategic interventions to change your life
The Multi-Passionista Quiz may help you figure out if you are a Multi-passionista (aka "Scanner," "Renassaince Soul," "polymath," "mutli-potentialite," or "Generalist!"), a smart, curious, and very busy person who knows she could do anything.
The Wheel of Life is an important life coaching tool to help you roll smoothly through your life toward balance, happiness, and success by making Positive Changes.
These assessments can be like a mirror that leads to awareness. With Positive Changes Coaching you can harness that awareness and use carefully designed strategic interventions to change your life
Our coaching services and training services are communication based, such as online coaching, telephone and face to face life coaching, meeting facilitation, mediation, group trainings
The effectiveness of mastermind meetings is based on the authentic intentions and the level of committment you and your fellow team members give to the group