What does God Have to say to YOU about Focus this year?
Click Word Theme of the Year to enroll! |
If the word theme of the year you have chosen is FOCUS, you are in the right place with the right group of Christian women to help you do just that! We are a Focus group on focus if you will.... good pun eh? Online journaling with this group of like-minded, Christian women in your private journaling community will serve as a gentle reminder to inspire you, and to help you consciously make choices all through the year. |
"Trust" or "Ask and Believe" or "Overcome" or "Breath" Even if your Word Theme is something other than FOCUS, these journaling prompts will help make the word theme you've chosen a part of your daily life for this entire year.
How It Works
Each week you will receive a journaling prompt in your email inbox. Your prompt will contain a verse from God's Word specifically relating to the word chosen for this group, Focus. Often there will be a series of questions to get you started in your reflections.
Each day we will reflect on the scripture of the week as we journal, writing for only 5 to 10 minutes at a time, sometimes less and sometimes more, depending upon how we are moved by Holy Spirit.
When you write your journal entry,
you will notice at the bottom of the journaling area that you have several "sharing" options.
My suggestion is that you share with "course members and coach."
How It All Begins
Upon enrolling and entering the group you will receive your first prompt, Genesis 1:27. This journaling prompt invites you to begin by introducing yourselves as you are created to be and to do.
You will be able to click on the
tab other Members in this Word Theme for the Year community..... even
though they may have started on a different day of the year. This is very important because it is where we begin to get to know each other and share how we were led to choose our word theme.
What Makes Online Journaling So Powerful
This kind of journaling is very powerful because when reading each other's reflections, giving feedback, and asking questions, we are each led to greater and deeper insights on how we can live our life in terms of the word theme.
I look forward to connecting with you in this inspiring group!
Click this link for more on the Health Benefits of Journaling